Introduction » Paint All » SHOW UP- DIVA Kandy Ricca Green micro bottle (15ml)


SHOW UP- DIVA Kandy Ricca Green micro bottle (15ml)



on stock


Product no.: 009046
our price without Tax : € 7.7 (199.8 Kč)
our price including Tax (21 %):
€ 9.3 (241.8 Kč)

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Full specifications


Ricca Green


Thin to 1:1-1,5

Bottle 15ml

diva Kandy Instruction

You can enjoy intense long lasting divaKandy.
Unlike other dye additive Kandy color, our divaKandy is free of discoloration and dullness.
Base Color(cosmic silver or mirror silver ) → diva Kandy → Topcoat Clear

Paint diva Kandy over Terra Krome to create beautiful color plating.

14 colors 15ml Micro bottle series


Only DHL Express Worldwide for 60 € can be used to transport SHOW UP colors. This applies to the EU and the world. The price of transport depends on the weight of the order and the transport destination. The price will always be calculated on the basis of this information only when picking up the shipment before sending. We will contact you subsequently and inform you about the arrears or the return of the shipping payment.

Pro Českou republiku je možno odeslat SHOW UP barvy pouze skrze PPL.