Česká verze: http://www.yeda-shop.eu/Ceska-verze-a2_10.htm
Deutsch Version: http://www.yeda-shop.eu/Deutsch-Version-a2_11.htm
YEDA Christmas-New Year Drift Party
YEDA Christmas-New Year Drift Party took place on the first weekend in 2016. There were more than 60 riders from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Austria. The two-day event was very successful. A total of 320 square meters and 3 tracks was enough completely to everyone. For the spectators was set and rental, where they could test how beautiful it is to go sideways.As already always been here a complete store YEDA-SHOP.
This year we still have a lot of events. Follow the web and no action you do not will pass.
More photos you can find here: https://www.facebook.com/Rcdrifting-155483344602969/